$10 Buried Baubles: Is Your Name On The List?

For those who know me…they know that I love Bauble Bar.  Thanks to their Buried Bauble Fridays, I’ve been able to amass a pretty large collection of baubles from my favorite jeweler.  Each Friday, somewhere on their site, they have a bauble for just $10. 

But if you want to get in on the Buried Bauble action from here on out…you need a clue!  Well, the only way you can get that clue now is if you’re on the Buried Bauble email list.  Only those on the email list are allowed to buy the Buried Bauble.  So if you’re not on it…you’re missing out on some great jewelry for a great price. 

How do you get on the email list?  CLICK HERE!

After you sign up, they’ll send you a referral code to send to all of your girlfriends so that they can get in on the Buried Bauble action. 

[Picture from BaubleBar.com, showcasing the Versaille Dye Glam Necklace from the Erickson Beamon + Bauble Bar collection.]

About Michelle Kenneth

Michelle Kenneth is the voice behind PerfectionistWannabe.com.