Even though I have 5-6 sites to write for, I’m going to try and put in daily content here, so I do apologize for not posting as much as I do in the summer months, but with hockey season in full gear, hockey takes up a lot of my writing/research time.
Now with that disclaimer (of sorts) out of the way, I’m going to talk about our focus for this month: Giving Thanks. Thanksgiving is just a couple of weeks away so what better way to do a month filled with Thanksgiving posts than to talk about Giving Thanks.
Being in NYC, the center of the planet, every culture is represented here. We have people from all over the world here in this fine city (that’s why it’s the center of the planet). Everything you could possibly want from any part of the globe you can find here, nestled into the many communities throughout the boroughs.
That being said, each culture brings something unique to this American holiday. Children grow up with the traditional, mixed in with a little something from their native land. That’s what we’re going to explore this month.
Maybe you’ll find recipes to try out on Turkey Day, or even recipes to try out with all of the leftovers. Whatever it is you’ll find here, I hope it turns out delicious! This means I may be cooking more than one turkey this month for Diary of a Perfectionist Wannabe (“DPW”). {I’m saying MAYBE.} I’ll even show you a few hacks out there to make the good old classics taste better.
That’s just the food portion.
The rest of the month I’ll be sharing things to be thankful for. November is a good time for reflection to humble ourselves as we move into the more charitable month and then the month of renewal. Each step of the way is important as we move towards starting a new year.
Also, throughout the month, I’ll be talking more about what goes into a Perfectionist Wannabe life…as in, sharing with you the vision I have for this site. By the new year, this site will be taking on a whole new look, so if you see the templates change every now and again, it’s because I’m testing out the direction I want this site to go.
I know what you, the reader, likes to see, so I’ll be expanding on those topics more. But for now…we’ll be focusing on Giving Thanks.
A little something I have not drawn your attention to over these last few months is a tab above that says A-Z List for NYC. Over the past couple of months, I’ve made it my mission to go out and do things from A-Z in NYC over the course of a few months. I’ve done a fair amount of things so far, and have a few events in the works in the next couple of months. I anticipate on completing the list by year end.
Going along with the idea of the A-Z list, I’m going to start from A and go all the way to Z on the things to be thankful for. So join me by making your own list this month on the things that you are thankful for.