Monday, I headed down to Borbay’s studio to get a look at the completion of my new art acquisition.

Isn’t he beautiful? Jason goes into detail on the process of creating Mads Mikkelsen’s “Hannibal” HERE.
What I enjoyed most about this painting is the input I was able to put into the piece (like the color scheme, and photos). The artist has his own input into the madness that makes Hannibal Lecter, Hannibal Lecter. While most people will think, “Why is this or that in the painting?” I have an actual cheat sheet where Jason explains why he chose those elements.
There is one word in the painting that represents the buyer (ME) and that is the word “DEVIL” because I cover the New Jersey Devils.
I’ve bought artwork before that has a very important meaning to me, but not one that brings together several different elements…the artist, the subject, the madness and the buyer. The ‘madness’ portion is a bit synchronistic because it represents a project I’m working on right now.
What’s also pertinent in the subject matter is that Hannibal Lecter’s perfectionism intrigues me. That perfectionism is why this site is called Perfectionist Wannabe. There is a beauty masked in that constant state of perfection, a state which also lingers on the precipice of madness. That’s what I love about the suit. His suit represents the madness he carries.
So Mads as Hannibal is my latest art acquisition…which is on layaway (a Christmas present to self).
If you love what Jason Borbay has done, I highly recommend sending a commission his way. You can choose the canvas size, subject matter, color scheme, etc. You can even do like I did…lock him in at a price and pay as you go according to what you can afford. When you’ve submitted the final payment, you get your art.
You can read more here: Acquiring and Buying Art
Also, check out the 1 minute time lapse video of the creation of Mads Mikkelsen as “Hannibal.”
Thanks, Jason…I am so excited that I’m going to finally own my own Borbay painting.