Be Surprised

I was watching “Dan In Real Life” over the weekend. One of the last quotes in the movie talked about the things in life you should prepare for…you should prepare to be surprised.

On Valentine’s Day, one of my best friends text messaged me a picture of her hand.  That was it. 

It was what was on her hand that surprised me.  After nine years, he had finally popped the question.  She said it was three years in the making.  I informed her, “No, it was 9 years in the making.”

I don’t think she was counting the years he was married to someone else…and then the time he was going through the divorce. 

To most of the single ladies out there that get involved with a married man, this happy ending normally doesn’t happen.  But the reason why it happened with these two…it was because you could tell from the start…they belonged together.

There are no two people that are better suited for each other than they are with each other.  The way she lights up when she says his name, you know that’s love.  It’s like there were diamonds in her eyes long before they started to think about marriage.  That’s how he made her sparkle…like a diamond.

They have that special love that you can only see in people that belong together.  It’s not a matter of finding ‘the One’ or ‘true love.’  It’s a matter of finding someone that makes you smile uncontrollably at the sound of their name.  It’s the person that makes your eyes sparkle like diamonds glittering in the sky.  It’s the person that makes you laugh all of the time. 

It takes two to light that fire…and it’s a fire that you can see in both of their eyes.

That is love.

In all of those years my friend was dating a married man, I never chastised her or told her she should stay away from him and find a ‘single’ guy.  I never did because I could see they belonged together. 

Sure, to an extent, I felt bad for the wife.  But there were too many signs in their marriage that said things were not working out.  He wasn’t even sleeping with his own wife by the time he met my friend.  Their bed had grown cold over the years. 

I never said a thing to my friend about how it was wrong to have an affair because I saw how he made her so happy. 

Before he came along, she wasn’t the type that was ‘happy.’  She was not happy when I met her.  She was definitely not a cheery individual.  She was one of those types of people that you look at and think…ummm…yeah…I’ll be going now.  Why?  Because she’ll look at you like she’s ready to rip you apart.

The only time I ever saw her happy was after this guy came into her life.  Even my brother has met the guy.  He always said he was jealous that this guy had my good friend’s heart, because if he didn’t, my brother would be chasing after her (because she’s so hot). 

Even my brother says that those two belong together. 

She wasn’t looking for love when this guy walked into her life.  He wasn’t either.  He was married with kids.  But somehow, life brought them together.  That was their surprise in life. 

They were both very unhappy with their lives.  It’s amazing how two unhappy people meet and find happiness within each other. 

He makes her smile.  He makes her laugh.  He makes her feel loved.  He makes her feel like she had found what was missing in her life…happiness.

It’s because of how amazing he has made her feel inside, I can’t thank him enough for coming into her life. 

I pray that they have an amazing life together.  These are the Valentine’s Day surprises worth writing about.  I’m so happy for them…her smile makes my soul smile.

About Michelle Kenneth

Michelle Kenneth is the voice behind