What a great night for NY-area sports! The Devils FINALLY won at home and the NY Yankees won the World Series. [MATSUI RULES!] As the Metro news guy said on the corner this morning, “Godzilla was loose in the Bronx last night!”
For those who know nada about Yankees baseball (it’s the only baseball team I know anything sports related about because I have friends that are really into Yankees baseball), Godzilla is Matsui (because he’s from Japan). He was MVP of the night because he didn’t just bring the runs in once, or twice…he did it three times! That’s what I call bringing it on home for the team!
I love the fact that he’s Asian…and MVP…and what he did for the NY Yankees in Game 6…and he tied the record for most RBIs in the World Series. Way to go Matsui!
Congratulations YANKEES!
Now the truth is that we were all sneaking a peak as to what was happening over in the Bronx during the Devils game last night. It was a very important night.
As for the Devils, they finally got their second home win! Devils Win At Home
In non-hockey related news…I promised to share a few photos from Greece. Well, these were done specially for a fashion site. I’m modeling 2 things: Valentino sunglasses and an Azuri Confetti Wrap. The black shirt (which you really can’t see) is BCBG Max Azria.

Here are my ponderings for the day…
1. Why is it that the food we hated as children end up becoming our favorite foods as adults? Case in point, I couldn’t stand sweet potatoes, squash (of any sort), or beets. Beets probably tops the list there.
I’ll tell you why…because back then no one knew how to cook the vegetable right! Sweet potatoes…my brother will only eat it if I make it. Why? Because I have an East Meets West recipe that my brother loves. He’ll eat the orange potato up in a home fries version or as baked fries. Both recipes that I’ve found makes me ask…why in the world did our mother try to get us to eat baked sweet potatoes like a regular potato. It’s just ICK!!!
As for beets, I hated it until I was in France. The French like to use pickled beets on their salads. When I tasted my first pickled beet, I was in love (because I love pickles). Since then, I’ve loved beets…pickled, that is.
Why mom thought that boiled beets was a good meal…YUCK!
Squash…you can make it millions of ways. Why mom wanted to bake them and put butter and brown sugar on it…GROSS.
I can now say my distaste for these vegetables may have had something to do with my mother trying to figure out American vegetables and coming up with an Americanized version of how to make them. She should just stick to her specialty…Thai food.
2. Is it just me or do celebs (actresses/singers) that date athletes tend to jump from one athlete to another (no matter what their sport)?