If you haven’t seen the movie “The Italian,” you have to see it. It was a powerful performance by a young boy named Kolya Spiridonov. Haley Joel Osment has nothing on this kid’s acting ability. The movie was so emotional right from the get-go.
Throw in the circumstances of the story about a young orphan growing up in a Russian orphanage who decides to go looking for his mother. The movie will leave you balling in tears.
After I saw the movie, I wanted to adopt my own little boy from an orphanage in Russia. But then I thought about all of those other little Russian orphans and then I thought…well…I can’t become an Angelina Jolie of Russian orphans. So maybe working with kids in Russia wouldn’t be such a bad thing…one of these days (when I get my Russian down and I can read and speak it better then a first year).
So when Depesha magazine announced that it was hosting a charity event to benefit children at risk in Russia…I thought…well, as long as the hockey season doesn’t interfere with it, then I’m there.
I’ve met some interesting people at Depesha events…mainly writers, critics, models, etc. Lots of beautiful people there.
So if you’re in the NYC area, you should consider watching “The Italian” and then buying tickets to this event. For the fashionistas of the world…clothing up for auction from various designers in Helen Yarmak’s showroom. It’s worth every single penny to donate your money because really…it breaks my heart to see orphans just trying to make it in the world.
Here are the details: Depesha Charity Event
Now, to choose from the many cocktail dresses that have recently started building up in my closet as I prepare for the NHL Awards.